Enzyme Exfoliation for the Winter Skin

Enzyme Exfoliation for the Winter Skin

All skin types can benefit from enzyme exfoliation during the cooler months of winter, where hot showers and heaters create superficial dryness. Enzymes are a naturally occurring solution for this challenge by digesting and dissolving dead, dry skin cells, revealing healthy, radiant skin.

Enzymes are primarily proteins that are necessary for life. In the body and cells their role ranges from digestion to increasing metabolism. They speed up the rate of most chemical reactions that take place in the cells, catalyzing most cellular functions.

When applied topically, enzymes are proteolytic, meaning they digest the cells of the stratum corneum – the first layer of the skin. Enzymes break down the old cells that congest the pores and will then prevent the penetration of topical serums, which in turn hinders overall skin functioning. Removing the dead skin cells, allows the skin to regenerate more quickly, assisting with skin concerns such as premature aging and acne. Other benefits when using enzymes include their ability to increase skin elasticity and hydration by maintaining natural moisture levels in the skin. Enzymes speed up cellular functioning and fight against oxidation and free radical damage, protecting skin from environmental damage.

In the treatment room enzymes and acids can be used separately or mixed, each providing a powerful result. Enzymes in general are less exfoliating than acids like glycolic, salicylic, mandelic or lactic. Therefore, they are more appropriate for sensitive, medically compromised, reactive or thin skin. Introducing enzymes in skin treatments when you are pregnant or breastfeeding is particularly useful to still allow an effective method of exfoliation.


Mostly sourced from vegetables and fruit such as pumpkin, (the most exfoliating enzyme) pineapple (bromelain enzyme), papaya (papain enzyme), and apples
A gentle exfoliation method but this can be dependent on the pH
Exfoliates the stratum corneum
Less likely to irritate the skin
Function at a wider pH range
Digest dead skin cells
Come in the form of either a gommage, gel, cream, liquid or powder


Mostly sourced from milk, sugar and plant-based products
Deeper exfoliation method with progressive, mid-depth and deep peeling levels
Can be an aggressive method of exfoliation
Are both pH and % dependent on the level of exfoliation
Dissolve dead skin cells

Enzymes can be more efficiently utilized in the treatment room when:

The cleanser being used is chosen wisely. A creamy cleanser will limit the exfoliation intensity compared to a foamy or gel-based cleanser.
A pre-peel solution will strip the skin of lipids and therefore facilitate a more aggressive exfoliation
The use of heat and moisture with a steamer or hot towel will amplify the enzyme activity.

Enzymes can be added to many treatments in the clinic room to increase their efficacy. They can be blended with antioxidants, pure vitamins and hyaluronic acid which will increase the support, hydration and vital nutrients of the skin. Some of the treatment modalities which will benefit from the addition of enzymes are:

*Microdermabrasion results using suction and super fine crystals to exfoliate the skin can be amplified when using enzyme exfoliation before the treatment

*JetPeel treatments utilize a medical-grade saline solution instead of microcrystals from the microdermabrasion. The supersonic jet of saline droplets from the JetPeel is amplified when an enzyme solution is used before this step. This has the added benefit of improving the circulation and hydration of the skin

*Ultrasonic skin exfoliating utilises sound waves and vibrations that penetrate through the upper layers of the skin. The Ultrasonic treatment improves the texture, tone and circulation of the skin. The benefits of the Ultrasonic device are amplified when an enzyme exfoliation is used before the treatment.

Enzymes are not new in the aesthetic arena but are worth consideration when wanting healthy, hydrated and radiant skin.

Renew & Revive Skin with a Peel

9 Crimes Against The Complexion

9 Crimes Against The Complexion

What are the 9 crimes we commit against our complexion

While we are in lock-down, the best skincare treatments are not possible in the Clinic, so looking after yourself with the right skincare products and routines can still ensure a glowing complexion. There are however a few bad habits that are easy to fall into that will be crimes against your complexion.
  1. Product Choice: many skincare products, no matter their price point, can take a few weeks to a month to reveal their true potential. As humans, we want a result even before we have opened the jar. It should happen through osmosis, right? Prioritise a daily routine with the correct products and the skin will respond in kind, producing a healthy complexion. It’s the things we do daily that enhance results. If you are switching products too often this can stress the skin creating adverse results. It is also important when using various brands to know how they are interacting with each other, so irritations are not the outcome.
  2. Cleansing: this should be the first step in your morning and evening skincare routine. Keep in mind, you clean your teeth twice a day, clean and treat your skin with the same respect. Under washing is just as bad as over washing the face. Use lukewarm water with a pH-balanced cleanser so the skin is not stripped of its natural protective barrier, setting up irritations, dryness, and flaking.
  3. Exfoliation: dull, lifeless skin can be revived with exfoliation. I usually suggest when using your toning lotion after removing the cleanser, to apply this with a gauze square. Too little toner will scratch the skin while too much is a waste of product and money. This regular form of cleansing and exfoliation is one of the best skincare routines you can do morning and night to ensure the last traces of cleanser, makeup and dry skin are removed and your serums that follow will be used to their maximum potential.
  4. Sleep: the lack of sleep means the skin does not have the full ability to heal and repair itself. It will mean the cellular turnover slows down, the flow of blood to the skin is disrupted and the result is a sallow complexion. Over time sleep deprivation elevates stress levels which can increase skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.
  5. Alcohol: excessive alcohol consumption, whether it be each day or week, impacts the skin by showing signs of dehydration, making it appear sallow and increasing the appearance of fine lines and pores size. Alcohol can also have a negative effect on sleep which in turn will affect the skin.
  6. Poor Diet: a good rule of thumb is to eat the colours of the rainbow when it comes to vegetable choices and to have a balanced diet with a choice from each of the 5 food groups. Remember each of us has different health requirements and often a consultation with a naturopath or dietician can be of assistance. Some of the key vitamins for the skin are D, C, E, and K. Essential fatty acids are good fats and are imperative for healthy skin.
  7. Exercise: as well as improving our sense of well-being, flexibility and cardiovascular system, exercise increases the blood flow to the skin which will keep it healthy and glowing.
  8. SPF: even on dull, cloudy days harmful UVA and UVB rays can damage the skin all year round. Using an SPF of at least 30 each day before entering outdoors and then reapplying every couple of hours will help to protect the skin and prevent premature aging.
  9. Makeup Brushes: these tools along with sponges if not washed every week at least gather dirt and bacteria. Using them daily just keeps spreading a build-up of colour, along with the dirt and bacteria all over the face creating poor makeup application and potential breakouts.
Crimes against the Complexion can be rectified simply with a little extra effort. Prevention is always less expensive than curing and your skin can maintain a healthy appearance.