Men are from Mars

Aug 17, 2019

We all know men are different from women, physically, emotionally and mentally. Men are also slightly different from women when it comes to their skin. There are many similarities but the differences include the epidermis and dermis being thicker, higher sensitivity, increased production of oil or sebum, larger pores, more facial hair and of course a different hormonal structure.

Skin issues specifically related to shaving, such as ingrown hairs, dryness and razor burn also challenge men.

Studies have also shown a difference in men’s acid mantle, a combination of oil and perspiration which serves as an important protective barrier. The acid mantle can be disrupted when the pH level fluctuates. This can be affected by the use of incorrect product use – those with a higher pH – diet, sleep, environment and medication. Testosterone will also create significant differences in a man’s skin compared to that of a woman. In the epidermis and dermis, testosterone increases the number of granular cells, collagen and blood flow. It will also stimulate the production of sebum and toughen the hair in the follicle. Testosterone will fluctuate with age and while there is no magic cure for what ails men, with correct product use and treatment selection, skin challenges can be solved throughout their life.

Largely due to the internet, Australian men see global stories about men having different types of aesthetic treatments and actually using products in order to look good for their age. The difference here with women is the fact that women want to look younger than their age. While every man will come with his own set of skin challenges, there are a few fundamental steps each man should know and use in order to achieve healthy skin. Three very simple elements – cleanse, exfoliate and protect – will help abate acne, ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation and aging.

Cleansing or washing the skin correctly will allow corrective ingredients to penetrate the cells and actually go to work. Washing the face with a pH-balanced face wash can be a two in one step, cleansing and wet shaving at the same time. This is then followed by a lotion applied with gauze to the face to give the skin further exfoliation and refinement.

Correct exfoliation will stimulate cell turnover by lifting dead cells and in the process initiate the regenerating process. This step requires balance, particularly with granular scrubs. Too much exfoliation for anyone is detrimental to the acid mantle and can create further problems.

Skin protection is absolutely essential but is often a forgotten part of the daily regimen for men. Not only is it important to shield the skin from UV rays, but also other damaging elements like wind and pollutants. A good zinc and antioxidant-based protection formula will guard against free radical damage, nourish the skin and prevent sun-induced premature aging.

Clinical treatments for men are gaining in popularity. These are consisting of non-surgical body sculpting such as fat freezing, which will help to eliminate the stubborn areas of fat that the gym will not budge. Another treatment men are learning about and enjoying is the use of injectables which can reduce heavy wrinkles and volumize the areas that have become hollow.

Australian men have the stereotype of macho male. In days gone by, the typical Aussie bloke wouldn’t be seen to be using skincare, but things have changed. Men want to look good for their age and now not only use a male fragrance but are using skincare and are entering into clinics where they can enjoy treatments and their benefits. Perhaps the gap is closing between Mars and Venus? We all know men are different from women, physically, emotionally and mentally. Men are also slightly different from women when it comes to their skin. There are many similarities but the differences include the epidermis and dermis being thicker, higher sensitivity, increased production of oil or sebum, larger pores, more facial hair and of course a different hormonal structure. Skin issues specifically related to shaving, such as ingrown hairs, dryness and razor burn also challenge men.

Studies have also shown a difference in men’s acid mantle, a combination of oil and perspiration which serves as an important protective barrier. The acid mantle can be disrupted when the pH level fluctuates. This can be affected by the use of incorrect product use – those with a higher pH – diet, sleep, environment and medication. Testosterone will also create significant differences in a man’s skin compared to that of a woman. In the epidermis and dermis, testosterone increases the number of granular cells, collagen and blood flow. It will also stimulate the production of sebum and toughens the hair in the follicle. Testosterone will fluctuate with age and while there is no magic cure for what ails men, with correct product use and treatment selection, skin challenges can be solved throughout their life. Largely due to the internet, Australian men see global stories about men having different types of aesthetic treatments and actually using products in order to look good for their age.

The difference here with women is the fact that women want to look younger than their age. While every man will come with his own set of skin challenges, there are a few fundamental steps each man should know and use in order to achieve healthy skin. Three very simple elements – cleanse, exfoliate and protect – will help abate acne, ingrown hairs, hyperpigmentation and aging. Cleansing or washing the skin correctly will allow corrective ingredients to penetrate the cells and actually go to work. Washing the face with a pH-balanced face wash can be a two in one step, cleansing and wet shaving at the same time. This is then followed by a lotion applied with gauze to the face to give the skin a further exfoliation and refinement. Correct exfoliation will stimulate cell turnover by lifting dead cells and in the process initiate the regenerating process. This step requires balance, particularly with granular scrubs. Too much exfoliation for anyone is detrimental to the acid mantle and can create further problems.

Skin protection is absolutely essential but is often a forgotten part of the daily regimen for men. Not only is it important to shield the skin from UV rays, but also other damaging elements like wind and pollutants. A good zinc and antioxidant-based protection formula will guard against free radical damage, nourish the skin and prevent sun-induced premature aging. Clinical treatments for men are gaining in popularity. These are consisting of non-surgical body sculpting such as fat freezing, which will help to eliminate the stubborn areas of fat that the gym will not budge. Another treatment men are learning about and enjoying is the use of injectables which can reduce heavy wrinkles and volumize the areas that have become hollow.

Australian men have the stereotype of macho male. In days gone by, the typical Aussie bloke wouldn’t be seen to be using skincare, but things have changed. Men want to look good for their age and now not only use a male fragrance but are using skincare and are entering into clinics where they can enjoy treatments and their benefits. Perhaps the gap is closing between Mars and Venus?

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