Venus Viva is the Rolls Royce of Skin Rejuvenation

Jan 17, 2021

Skin Rejuvenation during the summer can be more limited with choice compared to winter due to the Australian sun and associated pigmentation repercussions. This does not mean that skin rejuvenation must halt, we simply need to make slightly different choices.
There are many different types of skin rejuvenation using skin needling and depending on what condition is being treated, and your lifestyle, it may determine your choice of treatment to be undertaken in summer. The most popular skin needling treatments providing excellent results include; Venus Viva™ Nano-Fractional Skin Needling, Rejuvapen, Tixel Infusion Micro Channel Technology and Dermal Rollers for home use.
All of these procedures will treat open pores, fine lines and wrinkles, scar tissue, stretch marks and refine the texture of coarse skin. The above procedures work by stimulating your collagen which regenerates below the surface layer down into the second layer known as the dermis.
New skin cells are regenerated and blood supply is enhanced over the 4-6 weeks post-treatment. In conjunction with prescribed home care products, a gradual improvement of skin texture, pore size and fine lines will be achieved.
Some of the more intensive treatments may require a numbing cream to be applied 40 minutes before treatment for greater comfort. Depending on the condition being treated it is recommended to have a course of 3 treatments spaced about 4 weeks apart and then repeat one treatment every 3-4 months to maintain and improve the appearance of the skin.
With some of the more intensive treatments, the skin will appear red or pink for a day or two and makeup can be applied to assist with concealing this. Often a small amount of dryness and light flaking can occur so protective nourishing creams, along with sunscreen during the day, must be applied morning and night to ensure optimal skin healing and rejuvenation.
Venus Viva™ is the Rolls Royce when it comes to skin resurfacing treatments. 160 micro pins deliver heat via Radio Frequency, through the skin’s surface. These micro pins create thousands of mini wounds to the dermis which the body naturally heals assisting with skin regeneration. Venus Viva™ is also a non-surgical skin tightening treatment when used in conjunction with multi-polar radiofrequency and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF).
Rejuvapen Skin Needling or CIT (Collagen Induction Therapy) procedure uses 12 stainless steel needles and can be programmed for the depth required, from 0.02-2.6mm Many years ago we only had manual rollers at the Clinic’s disposal and had to use several different rollers with varying needle lengths to achieve the results we can achieve today with Rejuvapen.
Tixel Infusion treatments utilise pure radiant heat and small needle-like prisms to rejuvenate the skin, reduce skin laxity and restore the dermal signs of aging such as fine lines, thin skin and a dull complexion. Tixel Infusion, unlike other needling treatments, opens thousands of tiny channels which are open for 5-6 hours allowing various topical serum cocktails of peptides, vitamin c, hyaluronic acid, growth factors and anti-wrinkle ingredients to be massaged into the skin each hour over this period. With consecutive Tixel Infusion treatments, it not only stimulates cellular renewal but may also reduce and improve rosacea, dehydration and a lacklustre complexion all without pain and downtime.
Skin Needling Rollers and Micro Channel Technology delivery systems are an extremely valuable tool for home use to boost in-Clinic treatments, skin refinement and serum absorption. In-Clinic, treatments can be boosted by using a home dermal roller every other day for five minutes and Micro Channel Technology once a week.

Skin needling treatments are a great boot camp for skin rejuvenation during the summer months in Australia. The body and skin are continually aging and to improve and maintain the appearance of the skin, regular treatments need to be undertaken in conjunction with a good product home care routine morning and night along with a healthy lifestyle.

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