Is Your Skincare Working for You?

New research has just emerged to suggest that women aren't happy with their skincare. The findings demonstrate the need for a professional diagnosis of your skin which can be supported by cosmeceutical grade skincare for use at home.The independent survey was released...

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Menopause and the Effects on skin

Menopause is not an illness, and it does not mean the end is approaching, you have still got as much as half of your life to go! It's a fact of life, and every woman will go through menopause, usually in her early to mid-'50s. In addition to triggering symptoms such...

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Your Winter Legs

Wake up your Winter Legs Hidden beneath tights, socks, activewear and trousers for the last few months, our legs are about to be unveiled for summer. Dryness, itchiness, an extra dimple or two of cellulite, and a good dose of puffiness around the ankles are often what...

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men are from mars

Men are from Mars

We all know men are different from women, physically, emotionally and mentally. Men are also slightly different from women when it comes to their skin. There are many similarities but the differences include the epidermis and dermis being thicker, higher sensitivity,...

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Smoother, Brighter and Better Skin

December usually means the silly season with parties, Christmas and of course the beautiful beaches right here on our northern doorstep. Regardless of your fast fix, feel-good goal – radiant skin, a smoother silhouette, shiny hair or whiter teeth – there is a beauty...

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Double Chins and Turkey Necks!

The skin on the neck is so often forgotten, and yet it can so easily reveal how old we really are. In the Clinic I always suggest to clients when they treat the skin on their face, take the same products and regime down to both their neck and chest or decollete. This...

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New Technology to Reverse Aging

We are all going to show the signs of aging sooner or later, regardless of whether we like it or not. Fortunately, when it comes to aging skin, stretch marks, hyperpigmentation, fine lines and wrinkles, there is a new kid on the treatment block and it is known as...

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Spring into Summer

Renewal and spring cleaning are always top of mind this time of year. We turn our attention to discarding the old to make way for the new and shedding the dull of winter in exchange for the vibrant, youthfulness of spring. As crucial as this renewal process is for...

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