A radiation-free, non-ablative skin rejuvenation system delivering heat with titanium tip technology
TIXEL is described as one of the treatments that makes use of Thermal Energy that targets the skin’s surface. The Titanium plate delivers the heat with variable settings to provide several applications either combined with other types of topical-skin products or as a “stand-alone treatment”.
Our Approach
We made the decision, to include TIXEL in our equipment range due to its minimal downtime along with its ability to target areas that are usually complex to treat. It is well suited to eyelids, fine lines that develop near the eyes, and areas that are delicate such as the neck and chest. The TIXEL is also effective to enhance topical product delivery to the skin and helps to improve results when treating different types of skin conditions like Melasma.
How Does Tixel Work?
The TIXEL is equipment that applies heat (a high temperature) to the surface of the skin through something known as TMA (Thermo-Mechanical Ablation) technology. A 1cm small Titanium plate that contains an intricate matrix consisting of 81 tiny pins (pyramid-shaped) that creates a stamping pattern on the surface of the skin at a speed that is precisely controlled. These pins deliver high-temperature thermal energy (400 degrees Celsius), in rapid millisecond pulses (fractional mode), meaning that tiny zones undergo treatment surrounded by healthy or normal skin.
These fractional treatments lower the likelihood of skin complications or reactions and enhance the healing time when you compare it to treating the entire surface of the skin in one go.
This high-temperature transfer into the surface of the skin results in controlled formations of very small micropores (in the top layers of the skin) due to water evaporation. These micropores stimulate collagen production which helps to improve the quality of the skin. This process also provides channels for improved absorption of products that are applied to the surface of the skin.
The Benefits of Tixel
The TIXEL is used for improving wrinkles, fine lines, and the texture of the skin, and helps to reduce the size of pores. It is also effective for treating acne scars and is one of the top-rated options for rejuvenation of the face, chest, neck, and even the hands (the back).
Every skin type can undergo treatment with the TIXEL, which is unlike Lasers. It also doesn’t require the patient to wear protective eyewear since the treatment isn’t light-based. This advantage means that this treatment can be used much closer to the eyes. The TIXEL doesn’t cause skin bleeding and the extremely high temperature ensures that the pins are sterile for each procedure.
The TIXEL offers a non-aggressive yet effective treatment that ranges between the results achieved from ablative and non-ablative procedures. The TIXEL also features adjustable settings when it comes to how deep the pins penetrate the skin and how long the tip sits on the skin. This has allowed for a way to provide tailored treatments to the type of skin condition that we are treating, the patient’s skin type, and the downtime that’s acceptable to the patient.
In a low-power setting, there isn’t any downtime or pain. In higher settings, our therapists use an anaesthetic topical cream and it is normal for the patient to experience a skin reaction for between 3 to 4 days.
However, these reactions are far less after TIXEL when compared to ablative Lasers like the CO2 since the pure heat that TIXEL applies avoids the carbonisation and burns to the skin, along with the wounds that occur due to ablative Lasers
Treatment Frequency & Areas Treated
Initial treatments are best scheduled a minimum of 3 times, 4-5 weeks apart and ongoing maintenance will be determined with your aesthetician.
- Full Face
- Neck
- Décolletage
- Peri-Oral / Mouth Area
- Upper Eye & Eyelid Area
- Lower / Under Eye Area
- Stretch Marks, Worry Lines, Creased Chin, Nasolabial Lines, Skin Discolouration, Age Spots, Acne Scars, Sun-damage, Lip LInes etc quoted upon sighting the area to be treated
Advanced Bookings Recommended