Cherry angiomas
Can appear anywhere on the body, especially the trunk, as tiny pinpoint red papules and increase with age. Cherry angiomas are benign and can appear in varying sizes. A collection of small blood vessels creates the cherry angioma or Campbell de Morgan giving them a reddish appearance. The exact cause is unknown, but there are thoughts their formation may be linked to either a genetic factor, pregnancy, exposure to chemicals, climate and certain medical conditions.

A common, benign condition of sebaceous glands in adults of middle age or older. They manifest as yellowish, soft papules on the face (particularly nose, cheeks and forehead). Sebaceous hyperplasia can be created not only from excess internal oil production but also from the use of coconut and silicon based hair and face products including makeup. Homecare products should be reviewed to prevent further sebaceaous hyperplasia from forming after they have been removed with in Clinic treatment.

Composed of fibrous tissue that can be flat or raised. Fibromas are different from the normal skin because they are darker in colour with more fibrous texture and may appear in both men and women. The soft fibroma or skin tag, may be treated with the Skin Classic. They are often caused and appear in an area where there is regular irritation or may have appeared after an injury. Fibromas may also appear during pregnancy when there are hormonal changes and an increase in growth factors.

Small portions of skin that appear to be attached to or protrude from normal skin and are a benign condition of the skin. Usually a few millimetres in diameter, skin tags vary in appearance. Some are the same colour as the surrounding skin while others are hyperpigmented. Skin tags can occur anywhere on the body but are usually found on the eyelids, neck, armpits, under the female breast and groin folds. Tags are thought to occur in areas where skin rubs against skin or clothing.

These irregularities usually appear as wart-like growths in a variety of colours. They are usually painless and benign but may become irritated and itch. They may be cosmetically disfiguring and psychologically distressing as a result. They are typically located on the face, chest, shoulders and back and can be slightly flat or elevated. A waxy wart-like appearance is noted with a pasted-on appearance, being yellow, brown, black or flesh colour.
Do you have brown spots that IPL can’t remove, broken capillaries, clogged pores, acne cysts, raised bumps on the skin, or embarrassing skin tags? Then the Skin Classic treatment is perfect for you.
Skin Classic, also known as Electrodesiccation or Thermolysis, is an effective and affordable non-laser treatment for minor skin imperfections. This electrical current dehydrates superficial layers of the skin condition in order to allow new healthy skin to grow in its place.
Treatments are quick, with little discomfort, provide immediate results with no anaesthesia and healing times vary from 5 to 10 days to a few weeks for larger skin conditions.
Skin Classic treats the following conditions
- Sun Spots
- Skin Tag
- Seborrheic Keratosis
- Sebaceous Hyperplasia
- Milia
- Hyper-pigmentation
- Fibroma
- Clogged Pore
- Cholesterol Bumps
- Cherry Angiomas
- Broken Capillaries
- Acne Cysts
The Skin Classic treatments can be performed on the face, neck, chest, back, hands and arms.
How much does the treatment cost?
- 5 mins $40
- 10 mins $80
- 15 mins $110
- 30 mins $180
Follow up in 4-6 weeks for a second and possibly 3rd treatment depending on the skin and the irregularity.
Is there any downtime?
There is some downtime for healing. After the treatment, the irregularity will produce an epidermal crust over the treated area. This will fall off on its own within 5-10 days. During the healing process you can wear makeup, but be very careful to not prematurely remove the crust/scab while cleansing the skin. After the crust/scab sloughs off, the skin may look pinkish or brownish for up to 6-8 weeks as the new skin goes through the complete healing cycle and re-melanises. After treatment, you will be sent home with aftercare instructions.
Is it safe to use Skin Classic?
It is important to understand that we do not diagnose these irregularities. We strongly advise you to have your doctor examine any spot that is questionable and confirm what type of irregularity is it. We will not treat moles, melasma, skin cancer, any irregularity with blood supply or lesions that we feel is not safe to do so.
Skin Classic provides immediate results, without anaesthesia at an affordable price.
Call us for a consultation to see if you are a candidate for this cutting edge technology.
What to expect after treatment
Some Irritation, as well as redness and some crusting, may form on areas treated.
If the area is still irritated by the end of the day, a bag of frozen peas, wrapped in a clean cloth, works well 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off.
Make sure you DO NOT pick, rub or scrub at the crusting. Prematurely removing the crust may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring.
Makeup may be worn from day 2 on top of prescribed or approved homecare and SPF 30 or higher.
You MUST use SPF 30 or higher every day whether it is raining, cloudy or snowing.
AVOID direct sunlight immediately following treatment.
DO NOT use scrubs or exfoliants for 30 days.
Pat dry instead of rubbing to prevent the removal of crust.
After crust sloughs off, the skin may be pink. Be sure to wear SPF 30 or higher.
Any dermatological disorders in the area to be treated
Accutane users, even after 6-month post medication
Advanced Bookings Recommended